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Interkingdom Circle of Monarchs Meeting For 2021

View the meeting stream above



  • Call to Order

  • Introductions

  • Meeting Best Practices

  • Read Rules of Order

  • Non-Disclosure Agreement

Circle of Monarchs Subcommittees

  • Ombudsman Report and Proposal

  • Awards Committee Report and Proposals

  • Rule Representative Organizer Report and Proposals

  • V9 Committee Report and Proposals

Circle of Monarchs

  • Historian Committee Proposal

  • Groups Policy Proposal

  • Payment Policy Proposals

  • Bylaws Update Proposals 

  • Appointments

Amtgard International Board of Directors

  • Code of Conduct Best Practices Discussion with AIBoD

  • Annual Budget

Additional Resources

Circle of Monarchs Subcommittees

Anchor 1

Circle of Monarchs

Historian Committee Proposal 

Groups Policy Proposal 

Payments Policy Proposals

Bylaws Update Proposals


Two Board Members are completing their terms, Dusty Marshall and Jeff Gunn. 



The Executive Committee Secretary seat will be vacant August 1st, 2021. 


  • Jason Kratzner - Nomination received 7/1/21 - Withdrawn

  • The Chair seat is vacant, and the Secretary seat will be vacant as of 1 August. No nominations are available at this time. A process has been provided by the ExCoM BL Rep as follows: 

    • Nominations are open for both seats through August 14th. 

    • Discussion and Review will be conducted August 15th through September 13th.

    • Voting will start September 14th and last 7 days.

Anchor 2

Amtgard International
Board of Directors

CoC Best Practices Discussion with AIBoD

Annual Budget 

Anchor 3


Anchor 4

Follow Up Discussion on August 29th

IKCoM Recording

Updated Meeting Rulings 

Anchor 5
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